Creating WordPress Plugins the Right Way
R$ 199.99
R$ 12.99
- Resumo
- Conteúdo do Curso
- Introduction
- Introduction
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- Course materials (please, download them to follow the course)
- General Instructions (MUST WATCH)
- Important Notes
- Before You Begin
- Initial tips on tools used in this course
- What are action and filter hooks
- Action Hooks
- Filters
- Project #1 - MV Slider
- Getting to know the MV Slider plugin project
- Structuring the plugin
- Plugins with classes Vs Plugins without classes
- Defining constants
- Activate, deactivate and uninstall methods
- Creating the custom post type (CPT) for the plugin - part 1
- Creating the custom post type (CPT) for the plugin - part 2
- Metabox API - What are metaboxes?
- Metabox API - Adding metaboxes
- Metabox API - Creating forms for the metabox
- Metabox API - Saving metabox's data
- Metabox API - Validating and sanitizing data
- Metabox API - Escaping data
- Metabox API - Nonces and other validations
- Metabox API - Adding values to the post type table
- Adding menus to admin (part 1)
- Adding menus to admin (part 2)
- Settings + Options API - Introduction
- Settings + Options API - Creating the form
- Settings + Options API - Adding sections and fields (part 1)
- Settings + Options API - Adding sections and fields (part 2)
- Settings + Options API - Adding sections and fields (part 3)
- Settings + Options API - Passing arguments to the created fields
- Settings + Options API - Validating fields
- Settings + Options API - Managing permissions and error messages
- Settings + Options API - Splitting sections into tabs
- Shortcode API - Introduction
- Shortcode API - Creating the shortcode class
- Shortcode API - Downloading Flexslider's base files
- Shortcode API - Creating the shortcode's view (part 1)
- Shortcode API - Creating the shortcode's view (part 2)
- Shortcode API - Creating the shortcode's view (part 3)
- Shortcode API - Registering and enqueuing scripts( part 1)
- Shortcode API - Registering and enqueuing scripts( part 2)
- Shortcode API - Making some options dynamic ( part 1)
- Shortcode API - Making some options dynamic ( part 2)
- Shortcode API - Making some options dynamic ( part 3)
- Translating the plugin (part 1)
- Translating the plugin (part 2)
- Translating the plugin (part 3)
- Translating the plugin (part 4)
- Translating the plugin (part 5)
- Translating the plugin (part 6)
- Uninstalling the plugin
- Project #2 - MV Testimonials
- Getting to know the MV Testimonials plugin project
- Creating the custom post type (CPT) for the plugin
- Creating custom fields with the Metabox API (part 1)
- Creating custom fields with the Metabox API (part 2)
- Widget API - Introduction
- Widget API - Creating the widget's class
- Widget API - Creating the widget's form
- Widgets API - Saving widgets configuration data
- Widgets API - Displaying the widget on the frontend (part 1)
- Widgets API - Displaying the widget on the frontend (part 2)
- Widgets API - Displaying the widget on the frontend (part 3)
- Creating special templates for the plugin (part 1)
- Creating special templates for the plugin (part 2)
- Creating special templates for the plugin (part 3)
- Creating special templates for the plugin (part 4)
- Translating the plugin
- Uninstalling the plugin
- Project #3 - MV Translations
- Getting to know the MV Translations plugin project
- Advantages and disadvantages of custom tables
- The $wpdb class - Creating a custom table
- The $wpdb class - Creating pages upon plugin installation
- Creating the CPT and the plugin's taxonomy
- The $wpdb class - Registering the table for use
- The $wpdb class - Selecting data with the get_results method
- The $wpdb class - Inserting data using the insert method
- The $wpdb class - Updating data using the update method
- The $wpdb class - Deleting data using the delete method
- Creating the class for the first shortcode
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 1)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 2)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 3)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 4)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 5)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 6)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 7)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 8)
- Creating the view for the shortcode (part 9)
- Creating the view for the edit shortcode (part 1)
- Creating the view for the edit shortcode (part 2)
- Creating a specialized template for the plugin (part 1)
- Creating a specialized template for the plugin (part 2)
- Displaying the author's translations in the author's archive
- Translating the plugin
- Uninstalling the plugin
- Conclusion
- Making your plugins customizable - Filters
- Making your plugins customizable - Action hooks
Aulas: 100
Alunos: 12113
Nota: 4.65/5
Duração: 15 horas
Nível: Expert